Linked marching band show

    puppet master marching band show
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    puppet master marching band
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  • The classics marching band show!


        This high-energy show creates a fantasy universe where the performers are puppets brought to life and manipulated by the Puppet Master. Using music from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens (public domain, 1886), the classical playfulness of the music lends itself to the visual characterizations of the ensemble that will make this show an entertaining narrative production.

        Supported through the musical composition, the story of the show is told through the visual design.  The ensemble comes to life as puppets in the opening and in a peak general effect moment, the winds and color guard execute a big unison puppet dance, with elastic puppet strings attached to their hands and feet from above!  The show concludes with the strings getting cut and the entire ensemble dramatically dropping to the floor.   

        This show was originally commissioned for Chino Hills HS for the fall of 2014 and was released for the 2015 season.

        *Perusal score available upon request


      барабаны master of puppets