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  • Inbetweeners simon fashion show
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    The Fashion Show
    Season 3, Episode 1
    Air date13th September 2010
    Written byDamon Beesley and Iain Morris
    Directed byBen Palmer
    Episode guide
    Exam Time
    The Gig and the Girlfriend

    The Fashion Show is the first episode of the third series of The Inbetweeners.

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  • It first aired on September 13th, 2010 on E4.


    Carli organizes a fashion show for charity; the boys provide their unique brand of help. To raise money for an ill, student named Alastair who is suffering from kidney disease and uses a wheelchair, Rudge Park hosts a fashion show with students as models.

    Simon, having been asked by Carli to model, practises his walking in a bid to impress her. Jay, angered that he has not been asked to model, pierces his ear in the hope of getting a "reserve" spot. Neil agrees to help out backstage in order to see the female students changing but finds out he is only helping the male models with the unwanted attention of Mr.

    "Paedo" Kennedy. Will is forced to collect donated money, despite disagreeing with "vain" fashi

      the inbetweeners the fashion show